A Month of Daily Prayers for Your Spouse

A Month of Daily Prayers for Your Spouse

As Valentine's Day approaches, February provides a unique opportunity for us to intentionally invest in our marriages and one powerful way to show love and support for our spouses is through prayer. Throughout February, join me in setting aside dedicated time each day to pour out heartfelt prayers for our spouses, covering them in love, strength, and encouragement. Let’s embrace this special season of love by nurturing our marriages through the incredible power of prayer!

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Expectations of Marriage & Premarital Mentoring

Expectations of Marriage & Premarital Mentoring

A month or so ago, my husband was approached by some former youth ministry students who were recently engaged and asked if he would be willing to be their marrying pastor and if we would be interested in doing their premarital counseling. As I was processing this new ministry opportunity for me and Eric, I wanted to be able to share our own journey as we reflect back on the start of our marriage and as we evaluate the current state of our marriage after nearly 5 years. Hopefully, this series will bring great value for those who are single, dating, or engaged - but also for anyone who is already married, because we’re never done learning and growing and developing within our relationships!

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