A Month of Daily Prayers for Your Spouse

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January has felt like a bit of a never-ending month that included sickness, cold snaps which meant barely leaving the house, and just an overall sense of winter gloom coming out of the holiday season. As I have been looking forward to Spring and also thinking about Valentine’s Day, I wanted to find a way to be even more intentional in my marriage as well as setting my own heart on a firm foundation of prayer for my spouse, my marriage, and my home in general during this hectic season of life.


My husband and I in a rare couple photo without our kiddos at a wedding that he officiated this past fall.


As Valentine's Day approaches, February provides a unique opportunity for us to intentionally invest in our marriages and one powerful way to show love and support for our spouses is through prayer. Throughout February, join me in setting aside dedicated time each day to pour out heartfelt prayers for our spouses, covering them in love, strength, and encouragement. Let’s embrace this special season of love by nurturing our marriages through the incredible power of prayer!

A Month of Daily Prayers For Your Spouse

I saw this idea all over Pinterest and I liked the way this one from House Mix Blog looked for the most part and how she had her calendar set up, but I wanted to update it to be a bit easier to read and also wanted to change up some of the prayers to fit our family a bit better. But I really loved how she had each week labeled with a category of prayers and love having that intentional focus for each of the weeks that I will be praying for my husband! I also wanted to be intentional to have this prayer calendar designed in such a way that the prayers will make sense whether it is a wife praying over her husband or a husband praying over his wife - some of the prayers might need to be tweaked as you think about your own relationship roles and leadership roles, but that is where any extended prayer will come in - I encourage you to really make this time of prayer your own and personal to your own relationship.

How To Use This Prayer Calendar

I kept the calendar format general with 31 days that you can use any month that you choose to pray through these prayers for your spouse. There is a different focus for each week: faith, character, relationships, leadership, and health. If there are fewer days in the month, just combine a few prayers or leave certain ones out that you are not drawn to at the time. Use these short prayers as “starters” for longer and more intentional prayers each day. Consider grabbing a notebook or journal and writing out your prayers so that you can look back on these prayers in the future and see how God has chosen to answer anything that you have been praying through for your spouse!


want to join me?

If you would like to join me in praying intentionally over your spouse this month, just fill our your first name and email in the box below and I will send you an email with this printable calendar to download for free!


Praying through this calendar for yourself

To be honest… as I’ve been working through this blog post in the midst of a crazy season of life with little toddlers, winter sickness post-Christmas holidays, cold winter days stuck in the house and feeling like January is going to last for forever… I’ve been feeling more and more like maybe I actually need to be praying through this calendar for myself instead of my husband. I think it’s a great resource to use for both opportunities! Praying over your spouse, but also asking God to be working through your own faith, character, relationships, leadership, and health.

Praying through this calendar in singleness

And if you have found this blog post during a season of singleness - consider praying through this calendar for yourself as you prepare for a future relationship, or asking God to be working in your future spouse even before you have met them.


looking for more prayer resources?


check out the spotify playlist


Will you be using this prayer calendar? Let me know how it goes and how the Lord works through your heart in these prayers!