300+ Questions for Couples

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I feel like I knew my husband really well when we got married - we knew each other for a few years while working together, which meant we spent a LOT of time together - eating lunch, managing projects, leading teams of students and adults on trips around the world, and spending time together after work and on the weekends. After we got married, we traveled to South Africa for our honeymoon and traveled around the country to see the areas where my husband grew up and get to meet some friends who were like family. During that trip, we spent MANY hours in the car, road-tripping all over the country. As much as we both loved music and audiobooks, I also wanted to make use of those hours and get to know my husband better - so I looked up “Questions to ask your spouse” (or something along those lines) and found a PDF that I could download and store offline on my phone for easy reference throughout our trip.

No matter how well you think you know someone - you will be surprised at how much more you can learn about them when you take the time to ask very intentional questions! Asking questions is now a favorite activity for my husband and me on our road trips - and honestly, is something that we should do more often on date nights! This is such a great opportunity to get to know your significant other better and build and develop communication skills and deepen the intimacy of your relationship.


300+ Questions for Couples

1. Which of your friends is most like you?
2. Which would you like most: a summer house, a year-long vacation, or a boat?
3. Are there any habits I have that you would like me to change?
4. When you wake up in the middle of the night, what do you think about?
5. How long do you think people should wait before having kids?
6. If you could open a business what type of business would you open?
7. What’s the most disheartening and heartening realization you have come to?
8. What’s something that a lot of people are afraid of, but you aren’t?
9. When do you feel like you are really in your element?
10. If you could see into the future, what would you want to know?
11. What’s the most scared you ever felt, as a child?
12. Did you like high school or college better?
13. What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?
14. As a teenager, did you ever rebel against your parents?
15. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
16. What’s the worst emotional or mental anguish you’ve endured?
17. What life experiences did you miss out on?
18. Who do you miss the most?
19. What’s the biggest favor you’ve done for someone?
20. Children are often very similar to their parents. How do you want to be different than your parents? And how do you want to be similar to them?
21. What memory instantly makes you smile?
22. What’s your favorite physical feature of your own?
23. What’s a question you’ve never asked me?
24. What book or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?
25. How would we know if we did our job as parents well?
26. If you had to change one thing about yourself, what would you pick?
27. What school subjects did you like and hate most when you were in school?
28. Would you take 3 million dollars if it meant that the person you hate most in the world gets 9 million?
29. Which of our kids are most like you? (or if you aren’t parents yet: Do you ever picture having kids?)
30. What is something you wish you could say to people but can’t?
31. How do you think having kids will / has changed our lives and relationship?
32. When are you the most “you”?
33. What makes you feel super fancy?
34. Where do you want to live when we retire?
35. If you could travel back in time for one day, what year would it be and why?
36. Who’s the closest person to you in your extended family?
37. What is something small that we can do daily for each other to make our lives better?
38. What would be a deal-breaker for our relationship, something you couldn’t forgive?
39. What is one thing I did this past month that impressed you?
40. Where have you always wanted to travel?
41. How often do you change your opinions or how you view the world?
42. What do you think would bring us closer together as a couple?
43. What makes you dislike a person?
44. What’s something you screwed up and then tried to hide?
45. What do you see as your role in our relationship?
46. What can someone do that makes them immediately unattractive to you, no matter how attractive they are physically?
47. How likely are you to believe in conspiracy theories?
48. Is there anything you did wrong for years and years, only to discover later that you were doing it wrong?
49. What were the healthiest and unhealthiest periods of your life?
50. What movie seriously scarred you as a child or as an adult?
51. What’s the worst parenting mistake a couple can make?
52. What spice or herb makes you gag?
53. What is something that you are dreading?
54. In what areas do you think our personalities complement each other? (i.e. One is too reckless, and the other is too cautious, and it balances out to a happy medium.)
55. Who was your first crush?
56. What is your favorite thing I ever did for a special occasion for you?
57. What brings you the most joy?
58. What are some of the things that you are most grateful for?
59. What sport would you argue is not actually a sport?
60. Do you think it is more important for a couple with kids to focus on the kids more or each other more? Why?
61. Did you ever want more or fewer siblings?
62. What’s the most ambitious thing you’ve attempted?
63. Do you eventually want to have children? How many children do you eventually want? Why?
64. How important is it for individuals in a relationship to maintain their own separate identities?
65. Do you believe in good luck and bad luck? How about things that are lucky or unlucky?
66. What are some words of wisdom that have stuck with you all these years?
67. What would you do with a million dollars?
68. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
69. If money was no object, and with no input from me, how would you decorate your / our house?
70. What age would you like to live to?
71. What would your perfect life look like?
72. What makes me different from the other people you’ve been with?
73. If you got sick, do you think I would be there to care for you?
74. What is the nicest compliment you’ve received?
75. When do you feel the most protected and taken care of?
76. What do you think would be the best way to strengthen our relationship?
77. What are some of the most pleasant sensations for you?
78. What would you do with an extra $1,000 to spend only on yourself?
79. If you could travel to any country in the world for one month, where would you go?
80. What’s the accomplishment you are most proud of?
81. What is the best or worst thing you inherited from your parents?
82. What is the hardest life lesson you’ve had to learn?
83. Did you ever consider a totally different career path?
84. Do you believe that I love you?
85. What are the best and worst things about the period of history we are living through?
86. What do you think our life will look like in 10 years?
87. What do you look forward to most in the day?
88. What is your best (not worst) flaw?
89. What is something I did that you thought was exceptionally kind or thoughtful?
90. Do you think you are a confident person? Why or why not?
91. What is something I could do to make you trust me even more?
92. Which of your personality traits do you wish you could change?
93. What about yourself are you most proud of?
94. Which of your friends would you choose if you had to be on a desert island with just one?
95. What is normal now that will be considered unethical and barbaric in 100 years?
96. What is your favorite song?
97. If you had a friend who spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, would you keep them as a friend?
98. What’s your biggest regret?
99. How did your siblings shape who you are?
100. What are your secret thoughts when you see me at the end of the day?
101. If you had a million dollars to give to any charity, what type of charity would you give it to?
102. What’s your greatest talent?
103. What do I do that makes you the happiest?
104. What has taken up too much of your life?
105. What was your first favorite movie, as a child?
106. If there was a horrible accident and you were unconscious and on life support, how long would you want to be on life support
107. What were the three most important turning points in your life?
108. Do you think people more people look down on you or up to you? Why?
109. What did you learn about marriage from your parents?
110. Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
111. Who do you want to be more like or who do you look up to most?
112. What makes us different than other couples?
113. What petty thing that people do really gets on your nerves?
114. What’s the most rewarding thing in your daily routine?
115. What are your top 5 rules for life?
116. What was the most productive time in your life? How about the least productive?
117. How did you fall out with some of your previously close friends?
118. What are you most hesitant to tell me?
119. Do you believe in God?
120. What job do you think you were born to do?
121. What unique game of pretend did you frequently play as a child?
122. What is your weakness?
123. What three words best describe you?
124. What food reminds you of me?
125. What made you realize that your parents were just human like everyone else?
126. Are you happy with the career path you chose or do you wish you had chosen a different career?
127. What was the best party you ever went to?
128. What irrational fears did you have as a child?
129. When did you first think I was attractive?
130. How good are you at reading people?
131. If you could instantly learn a talent or skill, what would you want to know how to do?
132. Are you ashamed of anything you did in the past? If you are comfortable talking about it, what was it?
133. What’s your most embarrassing story about being sick?
134. Do you ever picture having grandchildren?
135. Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
136. What makes you lose faith in humanity when you think about it?
137. Do you think the world is improving or getting worse? Why?
138. What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
139. How much space / alone time should people in a relationship give each other?
140. What can I do to most help us?
141. What’s the biggest opportunity you were given?
142. What weird thing stresses you out more than it should?
143. What’s the most peaceful/restful night of sleep you’ve had?
144. What questions should partners ask each other before getting married?
145. What untrue thing did you believe for an incredibly long time?
146. Is there anything from your past that you’re ashamed of?
147. What’s your favorite way we spend time together?
148. What is something your parents did or used to do that really embarrassed you?
149. What’s the best way for someone to improve themselves?
150. What brings meaning to your life?

151. What is one part of your daily routine that you hate doing?
152. What luxury do you enjoy treating yourself to?
153. What do you take for granted?
154. Is it better to trust people or not trust people? And why?
155. What did you learn about physical affection from your parents?
156. What is the saddest thing about your life that nobody knows?
157. Which of my friends do you think is the most fun?
158. What was the very first thing you thought about me?
159. What are some of your earliest memories?
160. What biases do you think you have?
161. What was the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn?
162. When was the last time you thought about me in a positive way?
163. What is your favorite memory of someone who isn’t in your life anymore?
164. What animal are you most afraid of?
165. What’s your ideal way to spend a vacation?
166. What new hobbies or activities would you like to try together as a couple?
167. What is the most significant change you would like to make in your life?
168. What small seemingly insignificant thing did your parents, or someone else say when you were a child that has stuck with you all this time?
169. What toy played the most significant part in your childhood?
170. What’s the worst thing that people are proud of?
171. What was the most painful thing to hear?
172. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?
173. As a child, did you trust both of your parents?
174. What makes our relationship better than other relationships?
175. When is your favorite time of day?
176. What do you think the hardest thing about marriage/being in a relationship is?
177. How forgiving are you?
178. How realistic do you think couples in movies and TV are?
179. What kind of memories do you want to make together?
180. When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great?
181. What was your most inappropriate or embarrassing fart?
182. What’s my best physical feature?
183. What are some of your relationship goals?
184. What’s the most stressful situation you’ve been in? How did you handle it?
185. What are some of the telltale signs of a shallow person?
186. What’s your favorite personality trait of your own?
187. What are you battling that you don’t tell anyone about?
188. Have you ever gotten really obsessed with some topic?
189. What things about me make you know I’m the one for you?
190. What small pleasures do you enjoy the most?
191. Who do you act nice around but secretly dislike?
192. What does a happy and healthy relationship look like to you?
193. What’s a question you wish people would ask more often?
194. How traditionally “normal” was your family?
195. How have you changed since we were first together?
196. If you could go back in time, what age would you be again?
197. What musical instrument do you wish you could play?
198. Do you ever compare yourself to other guys/girls?
199. What is the best way to raise children?
200. What do you wish you were better at?
201. What habits do you still have from childhood?
202. How well do you know yourself?
203. What was your favorite class in high school?
204. What do you think the most essential thing in a successful relationship is?
205. What would the best version of you be like?
206. What is your favorite book?
207. What question do you most want an answer to?
208. Do you have any deal-breakers, things that would make you seriously reconsider our relationship?
209. What are two of the most important events in your life?
210. What’s your favorite thing in your / our house?
211. What was your favorite subject in middle school?
212. What are some of the most attractive traits a person can have?
213. What do you think about couples who own a business together and spend all their time together?
214. What’s the most anxious you ever felt?
215. What friend have you not thought about in a long time?
216. Which of your parents did you go to when you wanted to talk?
217. Do you think of yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?
218. What bridges are you happy you burned?
219. What adventure would you like to go on with me?
220. If you could gain one quality or ability, what would it be?
221. What do you like most about where we live?
222. What’s your favorite memory with your mom?
223. Who was your favorite teacher when you were a child?
224. What do you want out of life?
225. What was your favorite date night we ever had?
226. What have you struggled with your entire life?
227. What is your favorite thing that I do for you?
228. What’s your favorite gift I’ve given you?
229. What’s the biggest financial mistake you’ve made?
230. What do you think your best and worst personality traits are?
231. What has been a recurring theme in your life?
232. What is your most unique trait?
233. What’s the most awkward social situation you’ve been in?
234. How well do you function under a lot of pressure?
235. What is your favorite karaoke song?
236. What can I do to make sure you feel safe with me?
237. Do you ever wish I could read your mind? When?
238. How well do you think we communicate?
239. What are you most sentimental about?
240. What does a perfect day look like to you?
241. What has been your biggest screw-up so far?
242. What could we do to make our relationship stronger?
243. What’s the biggest betrayal you have ever experienced?
244. Who was the first person to have a crush on you?
245. What’s the craziest thing that has happened at a job you worked at?
246. When you’re gone what do you want to be remembered for?
247. What do you think we need to work on the most in our relationship?
248. What is something that scares you on a daily basis?
249. What is something you know is bad for you but you can’t seem to get away from it?
250. When we are with my family, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?
251. If you became famous, what would it be for?
252. What’s the happiest you ever felt?
253. What’s the best relationship advice you’ve received?
254. What is way more difficult than it sounds?
255. What’s another career that you think you would love?
256. What would you want your obituary to say?
257. When has a mundane occurrence or chance completely changed the course of your life?
258. If you received a salary to follow whatever passion you wanted to, what would you do?
259. Do you think I’m more of an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
260. What’s the angriest you ever felt?
261. What’s your fondest memory of a tree?
262. What movie reminds you of us?
263. What is your favorite memory of dating me?
264. What’s the most dangerous, thrill-seeking thing you would consider doing?
265. What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
266. What’s something that really annoys you that doesn’t bother most people?
267. What is the best thing about our relationship?
268. What are some things you really like about me?
269. If you’re in a bad mood, what gets you out of a funk?
270. What do you want to do when you retire?
271. Which of your parents are you most like?
272. How do you think society is changing? Do you think we’ll change with it?
273. What would be the greatest gift to receive?
274. What’s the most unethical thing you do regularly?
275. How does your current morning routine compare to your ideal morning routine?
276. When you were a kid, did you feel that you fit in?
277. What’s your favorite memory with your dad?
278. What do you think happens after death?
279. What was the best invention of the last 50 years?
280. What are some of the highest-valued things on your bucket list?
281. Do you prefer living in the countryside, in a town, or in a big city? Why?
282. What part of you as a person still needs a lot of work?
283. How well do you think you would handle prison?
284. What family vacations did you take as a child?
285. What do you worry about?
286. When we hang out with friends, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?
287. What calms you down the most?
288. If we as a couple had a theme song, what would it be?
289. Did you collect stuff as a child?
290. Are you happy with the people you surround yourself with? Why or why not?
291. What’s our greatest strength as a couple?
292. What do you value most in a friendship?
293. What is something we should enjoy more because it won’t be around for long?
294. What do you most like to do when you have alone time?
295. What’s the scariest / creepiest place you have ever been?
296. What are you purposefully ignoring even though you know you should probably deal with it?
297. Are you hopeful about your future?
298. When was the last time you cried?
299. Do you ever dream about me?
300. What kinds of things do you find repulsive?
301. If you could have any job in the world (regardless of money or having to work up into the position) what would you do?
302. What was the last thing you did for fun?
303. Would you consider yourself to be an introvert or extrovert?


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Have you ever spent time on a road trip or date night asking intentional questions to your spouse or significant other? What is your favorite question to ask someone? Leave your question ideas below and I will add my favorites to this list!

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300+ Conversation Starter Questions to ask your Partner, Spouse, Family or Friends, Ice Breaker Questions, Questions for your Spouse, Road Trip Questions, Conversation Starters | FOUND ON SimpleModestMom.com
300+ Conversation Starter Questions to ask your Partner, Spouse, Family or Friends, Ice Breaker Questions, Questions for your Spouse, Road Trip Questions, Conversation Starters | FOUND ON SimpleModestMom.com
300+ Conversation Starter Questions to ask your Partner, Spouse, Family or Friends, Ice Breaker Questions, Questions for your Spouse, Road Trip Questions, Conversation Starters | FOUND ON SimpleModestMom.com