How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

When I was younger, I used to journal all. of. the. time. - but now that I’m older, I find it is much harder to stay on top of writing things down or tracking fun memories and moments of not only my life, but also for my kids. I love all of the fun ideas for keeping track of your kids’ memories and milestones, but I often find it hard to know when or how often to write something down, or even what exactly to write or say. I often draw a blank. I’m sure our life is exciting and fun and worth sharing, but where do I begin?

I’m sharing with you several easy ways to keep track of your kids’ childhood memories & milestones, but also my FAVORITE product for tracking all of these memories that works best for me!

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