Stay One Step Ahead of the Stomach Bug: Must-Have Essentials for Your Home

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Don't let the stomach bug catch you off guard! Arm yourself with the right household essentials and knowledge to protect your loved ones from this common but pesky illness.

We recently battled the stomach bug in our house and let me tell you - the stomach virus is no fun when it takes one parent down along with a little toddler who doesn’t fully know what is going on or how to tell you they are sick! This past month my daughter had complications with serum sickness after a dose of antibiotics and right as she was on the mend from the symptoms of that serum sickness, she also got the stomach virus (along with her dad). I’m so thankful that my son and I avoided the stomach bug this time around, but it did get me thinking about how to be prepared for the stomach bug the next time it hits our family! I already had almost everything I needed to tackle caring for my family and cleaning up after everyone, but did find a few more items that I wanted to have on hand for next time.

I wanted to share with you all the must-have essentials that I think every household should have to combat the stomach bug effectively. These are all items that I have and used this time around (or put in my cart!) and I think they will be so helpful for you to have stocked up and at the ready for the next time that you are battling the dreaded stomach bug!

Stay One Step Ahead of the Stomach Bug - Household Essentials for Fighting the Stomach Virus

Must-Have Household Essentials for the Stomach Bug

When it comes to dealing with the stomach bug, being prepared is key. By having these essentials on hand, you can contain and clean up with ease and act quickly to prevent the spread of germs and minimize the impact of the illness.

Kinsa QuickScan Smart Thermometer

I love this smart thermometer for keeping track of everyone in my family when they are sick! You can create a profile for each person in your family and save their temperatures, track their symptoms & get symptom advice that helps you to navigate how to care for your family at home or know when to call the doctor. Even when my family didn’t have a fever during their most recent stomach bug, it was helpful to track their symptoms! You can also track any medications that they are given.

Designated Sick Bins

Listen - if it’s not something that you have thought about before, you should really consider getting some designated “sick bins” so there’s no question what to grab when someone gets sick! Previously, we had been using bins that I had gotten from the hospital when the kids were born, but those were pretty flimsy. I found this set of bins in unique colors that are actually really sturdy!

Pedialyte Freeze Pops

My kids don’t really love the taste of drinking Pedialyte - but they LOVE some freeze pops! This is an easy way for me to make sure they are staying hydrated, especially when I’m concerned about them keeping any fluids down.

If your kids are ok with drinking Pedialyte, there are lots of great options here.

Freeze Pop Sleeves

These are one of our all-time favorite products in our household! I grew up using paper towels to keep my hands from getting too cold and these are a definite upgrade!

Disposable Vomit Bags

I don’t love using these around the house and having to throw them in the trash rather than wash things away down the toilet, but these are so good to have on hand for emergencies on the go! I keep some in the car and one in the diaper bag.

Waterproof Blanket/Mat

I have one of these waterproof blankets for each kid - it’s great for keeping on the bed and laying over the couch when the kids aren’t feeling well - don’t have to worry about any accidents and it’s much easier to throw into the wash.

Medicine Dispenser Syringes

These Ryan & Rose Cutie Dose medicine dispenser syringes are SO cute - but more than that, they are designed exceptionally well to handle giving medicine to your babies & toddlers with ease. They are extra long so they can reach to the bottom of almost any bottle, they come in cute colors, hold up to 10mg of liquid medicine, and are designed so the ink won’t come off after two or three washes! We usually get all of the free syringes from our pharmacy, but sometimes those are too short or too wide to fit into some of our medicine bottles easily. While these might not feel like a necessity or an essential - they for sure are a convenience that is well worth having around!

Family Guard Disinfectant Spray

Listen - when the family is sick, you’ll be cleaning and disinfecting EVERYTHING. This last time we were surrounded by sickness in our household, I decided to pick up a bottle of this Family Guard disinfectant spray and loved how well it works! It has a nice light citrus clean smell that isn’t too overpowering - and it worked so well at getting some nasty smells out of some items in my house! And I felt good using this in areas that I knew the kids would be contacting often.

Miss Mouth’s Stain Treater

Trust me - if you don’t have this stuff already, you’re going to want some!! Having a good strain treater on hand is important when you’ve got people puking left and right and this stuff is absolute magic!

ZorbX Odor Remover

This ZorbX Odor Remover spray is one of my ALL-TIME favorite things that I have in my cupboard and tried it out on my daughter’s one stuffed animal that got spit up on, was machine washed and still smelled after being dried… and WOW! I sprayed this ZorbX on the area of the stuffed animal that still had some smell and let it air dry and it worked so good! The fur was a little stiff after it dried, but brushed out with a comb super easily and felt like new again!


Stocking Up on Disinfectants and Sanitizers

Cleaning supplies are a crucial component of any stomach bug prevention plan. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces can help kill germs and prevent the spread of infection. Here are some essential cleaning supplies that every household should have:

Disinfectant Wipes

These convenient wipes are pre-moistened with disinfectant solution, making it easy to clean and disinfect surfaces quickly. They are perfect for wiping down countertops, doorknobs, light switches, and other high-touch areas.

All-Purpose Cleaner

An all-purpose cleaner is a versatile tool for keeping your home clean and germ-free. Look for one that is effective against a wide range of bacteria and viruses. Use it to clean surfaces in your kitchen, bathroom, and other areas of your home.

Surface Disinfectant Spray

A surface disinfectant spray is an essential tool for killing germs on surfaces. Look for one that is effective against a wide range of bacteria and viruses. Spray it on countertops, tables, and other high-touch areas to reduce the risk of infection.

Laundry Sanitizer

The stomach bug can be easily spread through contaminated clothing and bedding. Using a laundry sanitizer can help kill germs and prevent the spread of infection. Add it to your regular laundry routine to ensure that your clothes and linens are free from harmful bacteria.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a convenient alternative to handwashing when soap and water are not readily available. Look for one that contains at least 60% alcohol for maximum effectiveness. Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse, car, and other frequently visited areas.

Remember to always follow the instructions on the product labels when using cleaning supplies. Proper usage ensures maximum effectiveness in killing germs and preventing the spread of infection.


Protecting your family from the stomach bug requires a proactive approach. By being prepared and having the right essentials in your home, you can stay one step ahead of the stomach bug and minimize the risk of it spreading. Stock up on cleaning supplies, disinfectants, and sanitizers to kill germs and prevent the spread of infection.

Remember to always practice proper handwashing techniques and encourage everyone in your household to do the same. By maintaining a clean and healthy home environment and creating an emergency kit for stomach bug outbreaks, you can protect your family from this common but pesky illness. Stay prepared, stay vigilant, and stay one step ahead of the stomach bug.


Do you have any favorite must-have items for tackling the stomach virus that I'm missing from this list? Let me know in the comments below!