The Ultimate First Aid Kit for Moms on the Go

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Don't let accidents catch you off guard! A fanny pack first aid kit is a must-have for moms who want to be prepared for any situation while on the go.

I know this is going to sound so crazy, but the only thing I really asked for this Mother’s Day was a fanny pack that I could use as a first aid kit for my walks to the park with my toddler this summer.

Mother and Son with Fanny Pack Crossbody Bag as a First Aid Kit

A few weeks ago, my son and I went for an afternoon walk in our city, a few blocks away to a small park in our city. He did really well walking on his own, but after climbing a grassy hill up to the playground, tripped and stumbled on the sidewalk as he arrived at the top of the hill. All of a sudden I realized how unprepared I was at that moment - we’re several blocks away from home and my son now has two bloody knees. As I was thinking about this on my way home, it crossed my mind that I needed a small bag that I could easily grab and wear or take along on walks around our city when it wasn’t far enough to need a stroller and I definitely wasn’t going to carry an entire diaper bag with me. Insert my brilliant idea…

I need a fanny pack first aid kit! I immediately texted my husband my idea and started to google some ideas of fanny packs that I would like and would actually wear. Did you know that these aren’t called fanny packs anymore? My research brought up names like hip packs, belt bags, waist bags, and more. Guess fanny pack just doesn’t sound cool enough now - hah! 🤷🏻‍♀️ It also doesn’t have to be worn in the standard nostalgic front-facing around-your-middle style that I remember from my childhood. Turns out, the more stylish way to wear them now is as a crossbody bag over your shoulder or chest. I’ll have to try that out…

My husband really came through for Mother’s Day this year and got me a very nice Herschel Hip Pack with a bunch of first aid kit supplies that I can add to the fanny pack and hang by our front door, ready to grab any time that we are taking a walk around the city! It includes just enough simple first aid supplies that can clean up and patch scrapes and cuts and get us home in one piece for a deeper clean if needed.

I love this idea so much that I really wanted to share it with the world! I can’t imagine I am the first person to think of this, but I haven’t seen it anywhere else before. Hope it inspires you to find the best way to be prepared for your own walks to the park or around your neighborhood. 🥰


Stylish Fanny Packs for Moms

I sent my husband this nice long list of options and I truly would have been happy with any of them! These are all great options to use for your fanny pack first aid kit!


First Aid Supplies for Your Kit

The main goal of my fanny pack first aid kit was not to carry the whole world but assess what I would need most on a walk to the park. So I wanted to make sure I was prepared for scrapes and cuts of all sizes, including some basic cleaning supplies and bandages, as well as some tweezers for possible splinters and items for bug bites or bee stings. The goal is to be patched up enough to get home, where we can do a deep clean and re-bandage as needed. One easy way to fill your fanny pack first aid kit is to buy a pre-made first aid kit and transfer items over to your fanny pack. I decided to do this, plus got a set of some larger bandages so I am ready for scraped knees this summer!


Do you have a first aid kit that you take with you on walks around your neighborhood or trips to the park? What are your on-the-go first aid kit essentials?