no. 016 | the color run.

☑️ the color run / 5k

it's been far too long since i've posted anything from "the list" ... but not for lack of doing new things... i suppose it's mostly been laziness in not posting for so long.  

Today was something that has been on the list for a long time... I finally got around to doing The Color Run with some of my very best friends!

They were so awesome in going a slower pace with me... certainly, it took longer due to my needing to both walk (briskly) and run at intervals, but what a great first 5K! So unique and fun. and personally, i'm proud of the 38 minute time that it took us. Hopefully the next time that i do a 5K, the goal will be to run the entire 5K and hopefully make much better time!

So thankful to be crossing more things off the list... but even more thankful to have amazing friends to join in these adventures in life!