no. 005 | drive stick shift

learn to drive stick shift

I had the chance to visit a friend recently out West, and she and I made some intentional time to cross a few things off my list... one of which, was learning to drive stick shift.

While this was quite the experience in stretching my muscle memory, it was exciting to learn something new. It really made sense to be in that much control of the car. I only stalled a small handful of times at some stop signs, due to the whole release clutch / give it gas at the same time thing, but that was to be expected until I could keep it in my brain and react without thinking. Katie and her husband Kacey were great teachers and very patient the entire time. I think they were actually somewhat impressed at how quickly I picked it up, without lurching the car forward at all. Seriously though, I was quite impressed with myself as well.

So there's one more thing checked off my list! Now, to find someone in town that also has stick shift that will let me "perfect" my skills...