the list: introduction.

Some of you may have already heard, but if you have not, or if you just enjoy reading it again... this year, I have a list!

People have lists for lots of things, and personally I enjoy having the types of lists where I get to cross things off! I like to feel accomplished and this list - "the list" - is definitely a list for crossing things off! I wrestled with several different lists naming options, but have decided that I want to keep it simple... so, "the list" it is. And "the list" is all about doing new things this year! Things I have always wanted to do, things I have never imagined that I could do, or simply things that I have just never gotten around to doing. I could go on and on about the purpose for this list, but some of that is better described in my last blog post.

Plain and simple: I have a list of new things and first-time things that I will be aspiring to accomplish this year. no expectations, no deadlines... just hope and the pursuit of adventure. I do not want to be familiar with complacency and am striving to start a pattern and habit of stepping out and seeking new adventures, no matter how big or small. and let me tell you, some may seem small to some people, but they will be new for me nonetheless.

Stay tuned and follow along for lots more blog posts this year including photo snapshots of these new adventures. Some may include stories, and some may only contain a caption or simple expression of my experience. And as I journey on, this will be my guide this year:

Romans 12:12

Romans 12:12