blessed: my 2 AM friends.





"Your friends will help determine the direction and the quality of your life."There are many things that I am thankful for... but this year it is more and more apparent as to how blessed I truly am by the friends that the Lord has graced me with in my lifetime... past and present!Several weeks ago, during the sermon at church, we were digging into Scripture and discussing what encouraging and supportive friendships should look like... and our pastor asked us if we have any "2 AM friends". You know... those friends that we can call up at any time of day or night, even if it's 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, and they will step up to the plate to listen to you, to love and encourage you, and to challenge you.I'll be honest... I've known the answer to that question for a long time now... I thank God almost every day for the dear friends that He has placed in my life and for their faithfulness to not only the Lord but also their faithfulness to be my friend... even on my most un-pretty and selfish days!  These girls have walked through life with me since 3rd grade, and have laughed with me, cried with me, hugged me, encouraged me, and even slapped me around a few times to make me see truth rather than selfish lies.I'm often thankful for family and friends and am more than aware of the many blessings of grace that the Lord has provided to me... but these friends are more cherished than words can even truly describe! 

